Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Course Outline

Aim of the Course

The aim of this presentation of the work of Dr. James F. Masterson is to introduce Clinical Psychologists, Counseling Psychologists and Psychiatrists to an effective therapeutic approach to treating the unique, even explosive, world of the pre-oedipal patient. The suffering that goes hand in hand with the fused object-relations world of the Narcissistic Disorder of the Self poses a familiar challenge to those engaged in the helping professions. James Masterson brings a unique perspective to the treatment of the Narcissistic Disorder of the Self — an orientation he calls a Developmental, Self and Object Relations Approach. The course will provide the theoretical background and demonstrate the technical application of Dr. Masterson’s model. Students will receive a well thought-through curriculum that exposes them to both traditional and modern theory. This theoretical understanding will form the foundation from which therapeutic technique will be taught.

The course will aim to show, through clinical thinking and teaching, the importance of concepts such as:

  • A clear and clinically verified psychoanalytic perspective to the treatment of the Narcissistic Disorder of the Self – an orientation Masterson calls a “Developmental, Self, and Object Relations” (DSOR) Approach
  • Developmental – the approach considers the developmental level of the patient and how to engage the patient at that level
  • Self – understand how the Self and ego of the Narcissist is impaired beneath the grandiosity and omnipotence, and to what extent. Helping the patient develop and activate the real self is central to treatment
  • Object Relations – the approach assists in understanding how the Narcissistic patient relates through fusion to others, as well as why and how to engage them as they move between idealization and devaluation in their mental and physical world

Course Outcomes

  • Become more effective in the treatment process by intervening with the appropriate ‘technique’ of the mirroring interpretation of the narcissistic vulnerability
  • Gauge your interventions – the effectiveness of your interventions and techniques will be determined by how the patient responds
  • Remain neutral through understanding the intrapersonal world of the patient you will be able to understand your own responses better to remain neutral (counter-transference)
  • See results as patients develop and activate their real self and give up their defenses you will see them start to function on a healthier level


The cost of the course is R7000.



Students will be allowed to choose between in person sessions at a predetermined location or via the internet (Zoom).


Students will meet as a group with faculty members twice a month for two (2) modules. The lecturing time will be 4 hours per day lecture. The students will all receive the course reading-lists prior to the start of lectures and will be expected to come to classes prepared for discussion.

The two modules that will be taught with every lecturing session are as follows (I refer you to CPD Programme Template for a detailed outline):

The basic theoretical and therapeutic assumptions as postulated by Dr. James F. Masterson. The day will start with two 60 minute lectures covering the prescribed theoretical material.

The 3rd period after tea will be used to discuss the clinical application using case material brought by students and or lecturer.

Lastly, the Continuous Case Presentation (CCC) will be focused on an ongoing case brought by a student to the group for supervision and discussion. The student will be assisted in obtaining rightful and ethical permission from the patient before any discussion will take place.



In addition, each student will be expected to meet with a faculty member of the Masterson Institute, South Africa, for individual supervision. The course requirement will be a minimum of 10 individual supervision sessions where the student presents his/her work with patients diagnosed with Narcissistic Disorder of the Self. The student will need to show an understanding of the art in dealing with the defensive structure of the patient, and to be able to formulate a diagnosis based on the intrapsychic structure of the patient.

Evaluation on completion of the course work

Before receiving the certificate indicating completion of the course, the student will need to present a case to a panel consisting of members represented by the International Masterson Institute and local Masterson Institute of South Africa Faculty. The student will be expected to compose a written case (12 pages, 1.5 spacing) detailing the patient’s history, formulating a correct intrapsychic structure, offering verbatim passages from therapy sessions, and exploring aspects of countertransference. All this is intended to illustrate the student’s understanding and mastering of the Introduction to Psychotherapy of the Narcissistic Disorder of the Self: The Masterson Approach.


Scope of Practice

Presenters and attendees of all CPD activities must please note that the attainment of continuing education units (CEUs) does not licence any professional to practice outside their official scope of practice. CEUs are intended to broaden the knowledge of professionals but do not constitute professional training.