The Narcissistic, Schizoid and Borderline Disorders of the Self – The Masterson Approach: An Overview
By Dr. Judith Pearson, Ph.D.
We invite all mental health care professionals interested in finding out more about the three-year postgraduate certificate program to join us for this introductory seminar on the Masterson Approach. The faculty will be available to answer questions about the program after the introductory seminar.
Register here:
Dr. Judith Pearson, Ph.D., received her degree in psychology from Fordham University. She was a supervising psychologist, Bronx Psychiatric Center and Clinical Instructor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. A graduate of the Masterson Institute, she served as a faculty member and Clinical Director of the Institute and is currently the director of the East Coast and International Division of the International Masterson Institute. She co-wrote the book Splitting Up with Alvin Pam and has written various chapters in the Masterson works.